What is the ATA Workforce Diversity & Inclusion program?

Sponsored by Teletrac Navman, the ATA Workforce Diversity & Inclusion program is a ground-breaking initiative that focusses on improving workforce attraction, inclusion and retention within the trucking industry. The program was formerly known as the Driving Change Diversity program.

The program is currently being refreshed and will launch into workplaces in June 2024 with the following:

    1. A FREE 18-month subscription to the SBS Inclusion training program. The subscription provides 24×7 access to four important online modules: Appropriate Workplace Behaviour (including Respect@Work & Psychosocial Hazards), Core Inclusion, Cultural Diversity and Gender Equity. Further information on these modules can be found at: Inclusion Program (
    2. New workplace recruitment and retention tools for trucking industry operators which will launch in September 2024.

How do I get a FREE license to the SBS Inclusion program for my workplace?

Over 40 trucking industry workplaces have signed up to the first 1000 licenses.

To register to receive the next set of 500 FREE licenses to the SBS Inclusion online education program, please complete the form below.  Licenses are available to members of the ATA member associations and trucking businesses on a priority basis.

What is the Diversity & Inclusion Reference group?

The ATA has established a Diversity & Inclusion Reference group of past diversity champions and/or employers who are committed to inclusive workplaces and provide feedback on the program.

Led by Caitlin Barlow, 2023 Teletrac Navman Diversity Champion, the group provides input and helps champion the program in their workplaces and in broader forums as available.

Meet our Diversity & Inclusion Reference group here.


For further information on the new program, please contact us.